Custom Scanning & Remediation

Advanced cloud security scanning and remediation to simplify DevOps and SecOps

Create Custom Scans

Customize Dash ComplyOps rulesets and scanning to meet meet your organization’s security program needs. Dash makes it easy for your team to enable specific compliance standards and include multiple cloud environments.

Enforce specific configuration requirements across your infrastructure and cloud resources.

Cross-Account Monitoring

Scan multiple AWS accounts/environments for security configuration issues.

Add Custom Scans & Checks

Create custom scans from other AWS services.

Integrate Into Build Process

Scan Infrastructure-as-Code files and streamline the DevOps process.

Setup Continuous Compliance Monitoring In Your AWS Environment

Remediate and Resolve Issues

Dash ComplyOps provides several channels for managing and resolving security issues. Enable DevOps and SecOps teams can quickly remediate security issues across your IT infrastructure.

Take action on security findings across your cloud accounts:

  • View AWS Documentation
  • Locate Affected Resources in AWS
  • Resolve Issues and Whitelist Irrelevant Findings
  • Automatically Rescan Resources
Dash ComplyOps

Streamline Compliance In Your Cloud