Dash ComplyOps Pricing

Comprehensive platform for AWS cloud operations and compliance automation

Get Started With Security Automation

Dash ComplyOps provides a cost-effective software platform, enabling teams to build and manage security operations. Get an estimate of your monthly pricing below. All plans include a 7 day risk-free trial.

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Current Cloud Environment
Dash ComplyOps Estimated Pricing
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How Pricing Is Calculated

Pricing starts with 5 protected units included and scales based on additional protected units in the environment.

Standard Program  –  0-5 Protected Units   |   $250/Month

$30/month for each additional unit – Units from 6 to 15

$10/month for each additional unit – Units from 16 to 99

$5/month for each additional unit – Units from 100 to 499

Inquire for pricing – Units 500+

Protected Units

The following resources equal 1 protected unit:

  • 1 EC2 Instance
  • 1 RDS Instance (DB Instance)
  • 1 Container vCPU
  • 10 S3 Buckets
  • 15 Lambda Functions

Example – If your team averages running 5 EC2 Instances and 30 Lambda Functions in your environment for the month, this will be counted as 7 protected units.

Ready to try Dash ComplyOps?

Get started for free with a risk-free 7 day trial.