
Guide to AWS Compliance Automation

Guide to AWS Compliance Automation

28 August 2023

Building For AWS Compliance Automation

Whitepaper Guide

Automate your security and compliance program in the cloud. Create policies, enforced through security controls and configuration monitoring.

Download Guide For “Building for Continuous Compliance In The Cloud”

Software To Build Continuous Compliance Monitoring

Organizations deal with many security and concerns when building secure and compliant applications in the cloud. Teams must and ensure that configuration and security settings continue to be maintained across the environment.

In this guide, we provide teams with actionable steps for building and automating security programs in AWS and the public cloud. Teams will gain a better understanding around connecting policies and security controls, addressing compliance standards (such as SOC 2, HIPAA, HITRUST), and building a continuous compliance monitoring process within your security team.

administrative security controls

Streamline Cloud Native Security

Meet Regulatory and Compliance Standards

Companies operating in regulated industries such as healthcare and finance must ensure all regulatory requirements are met when architecting and manage cloud applications. Teams must configure all necessary administrative, technical, and physical safeguards when building compliant workloads in the cloud.

This whitepaper describes best practices for building and maintaining security standards to meet regulatory standards including HIPAA, SOC 2, PCI DSS, and GDPR. Learn how your team can simplify compliance processes.

hipaa compliance
soc 2 type 2
iso 27001
pci dss

Ready To Get Started With Compliance Automation?

Tour Dash ComplyOps

AWS Security Automation

Dash ComplyOps empowers teams to configure, monitor, and maintain robust security controls across AWS cloud environments.

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Compliance Automation Guide

Download your free guide and learn how teams build for compliance automation with continuous monitoring and automated workflows.

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